We are fearless and inspiring in our thinking

Behavioural Research for Marketing: A Practitioner's Handbook
This book provides market researchers and marketeers with the tools to better understand human behaviour by drawing upon social science theory from different schools of thought. It has practical examples throughout to help illustrate how to operationalise theory in market research and to underpin the way we understand how people think, behave, and make choices.
Book at bedtime

Thinking big – Here comes the sun
In this paper, it is argued that the advent of big data, big qual and the emerging potential of the metaverse present new opportunities but with questions around methodological rigour and standards. The role of data science and big data is discussed along with the importance of softer skills of interpretation and narration along with how theory can elevate and ground research.
April 2023
10 minute read

The rise of chatbots
A discussion on how chatbots can empower brands and supercharge commercial performance, along with considering how market researchers can guide the emergence of the avatar.
November 2022
3 minute read